Picture Gallery Magic Christian in the Hotel Stefanie Hardy Werner in the Hotel Stefanie Mike Alexander in the Hotel Stefanie Florian Mayer in the Hotel Stefanie Philipp Kainz in the Hotel Stefanie Group of the Collector’s Meeting 2015 Visit of the Klimt Villa 2015 Visit of the Piatnik Company 2015 Visit of the Piatnik Company 2015 Lecture Zabaletta 2014 Lecture Engblom 2014 Lecture Alkemade 2014 Lecture Henry Evans 2013 Lecture Henry Evans 2013 Lecture Vito Lupo 2013 Lecture The Jack 2013 Lecture Vito Lupo 2013 Lecture Mark Mason 2013 Lecture Johann Stahl 2012 Lecture Peter Samelson 2012 Lecture Christoph Borer 2012 Lecture Antony Gerard 2012 Lecture Antony Gerard 2012 Lecture Michael Ammar 2012 Lecture Wayne Houchin 2011 Lecture Taylor-Johnson 2011 Lecture Shoot Ogawa 2011 Lecture Geoffrey Williams 2010 Lecture Lee Alex 2010 Lecture Cameron Francis 2010 Lecture Dirk Losander 2009 Lecture Helder Guimaraes 2009 Lecture Aldo Colombini 2008 Lecture Axel Hecklau 2008 Lecture Shoot Ogawa 2008 Lecture Marc Gettmann 2007 Lecture Toni Forster 2007 Lecture David Stone 2007 Lecture Cody Fisher 2007 Lecture Marc Gettmann 2007 Lecture Cody Fisher 2007 Lecture David Stone 2007 Lecture Erik Nordvall 2006 Lecture Joshua Jay 2006 Lecture Max Maven 2006 Lecture Doc Hilford 2006 Lecture Daniel Rhod 2006 Lecture Angelo Stagnaro 2005 Lecture Boris Wild 2004 Lecture Reed McKlintock 2004 Lecture Richard Sanders (Kanada) 2004 Lecture Martin Lewis 2003 Christmas Party 2012 Sommerabend 2012 Excursion to Bratislava 2011 Excursion to Bratislava 2011 Excursion to Bratislava 2011 Klub Meeting 2006 Summer Party 2006 Besuch des IBM Clubs Vienna 2006 Klub Meeting 2005 Sommerabend 2005 Sommerabend 2004 Sommerabend 2003 Unsere Gäste Unsere Gäste Unsere Gäste Unsere Gäste Unsere Gäste Unsere Gäste Unsere Gäste Unsere Gäste Dieter Stricker Gerhard Swoboda Magic Christian Winfried Magic Christian Elgaro Sandy Robert Woitsch Harry Lucas Florian Mayer Winfried Mike Alexander Dieter Stricker Albert Klebel Chris Croydon Harry Lucas Harald Engber Jerry Collins